Homework Assignment 9

Caring is a key ingredient in effective communication, because it is the genuine desire to understand the other person, to build areas of common ground, and to deepen the relationship. Real caring requires a willingness to concentrate on another person's strengths and accept his or her weaknesses. Caring involves transparency, vulnerability, and supportiveness; it is other-centered rather than self-centered.

Here are some suggestions for developing this aspect of your relationship. Check the areas you need to work on:

1. You can enhance positive associations with your mate by visualizing times of shared joys and experiences and remembering the good things you have done together.

2. At least once a year, plan an overnight or a weekend retreat (if you have children, get a baby sitter). Use this time to relax and discuss your marriage, family goals, spiritual life, recreation, finances, and so forth.

3. Display physical affection. Touch, pat, hug, and kiss your partner.

4. Make it a point to notice and pay attention to your spouse when other people are present.

5. Steer away from the habit of nagging and criticism.

6. Stretch your sphere of interests to include at least some of your mate's, and look for ways to do things together (gardening, special projects, cultural events, tennis, etc.).

7. Compliment your husband or wife whenever possible.

8. Don't take your partner for granted; extend the kind of courtesy you showed when you were dating.