Homework Assignment 5

Genesis 2:18-22 reveals that marriage was ordained by God, and not by men. It is a covenant relationship, and because it was divinely instituted before the fall (Gen. 3), it was part of God's plan from the beginning, not an emergency measure that resulted from sin.

Verse 18 says, "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.'" God created a sense of need in the man by having him name the animals and so that he would discover that none of them fully corresponded to him. Then from his side God fashioned a new creature that was wonderfully different and yet perfectly complemented him on a spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical level. Loneliness was replaced by companionship and completion, and this is central to God's design for marriage. The concept of "a helper suitable for him" (vss. 18,20) speaks of a supportive relationship between allies and in no way implies that one is inferior to another.

What does the concept of "a helper suitable for him" mean?

What was man's response and why did he respond in this manner (Gen. 2:23-25)?