Homework Assignment 13

But because of immoralities, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Stop depriving one another, except by agreement for a time that you may devote yourselves to prayer, and come together again lest Satan tempt you because of your lack of self-control (1 Cor. 7:2-5).

This is not a matter of legalized prostitution, because both sides are equally represented in this passage. There is no double standard here; Paul speaks of mutual responsibility. The husband and the wife have relinquished the right to their bodies and turned that authority over to each other. The wife's body belongs to her husband, and the husband's body belongs to his wife. Neither has the right to withhold physical affection or use sex in a manipulative way. Sex is not to be used as a club or as a reward for good behavior. Instead, both partners are responsible to care for and fulfill one another's physical needs. Sex was never intended to be self-oriented but partner-oriented.

Verse 5 teaches that apart from brief periods by mutual consent, a couple should not defraud each other by abstaining from habitual sexual practice, because this would lead to excessive temptation. Each should serve as a magnet to the other so that they will be able to resist the pull of outside attraction (see Prov. 5:15-17,20; 1 Cor. 7:9).

1 Corinthians 7:1-5 is one of the clearest passages in the Bible on the importance of sex in marriage. According to these verses, mark the following statements either true or false:

T. F. The husband has the greater need for sex; it is assumed that the wife has little interest in or need for sex.

T. F. Failure to meet the sexual need of one's partner is sin.

T. F. Meeting your mate's sexual needs in an option, not an obligation.

What conditions are required in verse 5 for sexual abstinence in marriage?


